Savings Accounts
Statement Savings
Start saving today for those unexpected expenses or special purchases
- $100 minimum opening balance
- Earn interest quarterly when daily balance exceeds $200
- No quarterly maintenance service charge with an average daily balance of $200; $5.00 quarterly maintenance service charge if average daily balance falls below $200
- Maintenance Service Charge waived for minors and non-profit organizations. For purposes of a maintenance service charge waiver, a minor is defined as an individual who has not reached their 18th birthday.
Christmas Club Savings Account
An easy way to save throughout the year for your holiday purchases
- $10 minimum opening balance
- Earn interest annually when daily balance exceeds $100
- Direct deposit available
- Club checks mailed annually at the end of the Christmas Club term in late September
Money Market Account
A savings account that offers unlimited check writing
- $500 minimum opening balance
- Earn interest monthly when daily balance exceeds $1,000
- Unlimited Check writing
- No monthly maintenance service charge with an average daily balance of $1,000; $7.50 monthly maintenance service charge if average daily balance falls below $1,000
- Maintenance Service Charge waived for non-profit organizations
GOLD Money Market Account
A high yield money market account with easy access to your funds
- $25,000 minimum opening balance
- Earn interest monthly when daily balance exceeds $2,500
- Higher rates available based on balance
- Free "Gold Money Market" check orders for life of the account
- Unlimited Check writing
- No monthly maintenance service charge with an average daily balance of $2,500; $10.00 monthly maintenance service charge if average daily balance falls below $2,500
When opening a business deposit or loan account, all banks are required to obtain information verifying the business as well as the individuals associated with the business. Visit our Beneficial Owners of Legal Entities section for more information.
We will accept deposits from residents of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Virginia's Eastern Shore and lower Delaware. Please visit any of our branch locations to open an account.
If you would like to receive additional information about these accounts or any services offered at First Shore Federal, please write to us at: PO Box 4248, Salisbury MD 21803-4248 or send us an email.