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Products and Services - eStatement Agreement and Disclosure

eStatement Agreement and Disclosure

This eStatement Agreement and Disclosure applies to all eligible accounts for which you, during enrollment, elect to receive disclosures/notices online and/or each account you have with us with which you elect to receive electronic email notification.  In this disclosure, "you" and "your" refer to the accountholder, joint accountholder, or authorized user of the accountholder's account(s).  "We", "us" and "bank" refer to First Shore Federal.  "Communication" means any account periodic statement, or associated authorization, agreement, disclosure, notice or other information that we are required by law to provide to you in writing.

There is no additional cost for this service.  You understand that your statements will include information concerning Deposit Accounts with First Shore Federal, and will include disclosures required under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, the Truth-in-Savings Act and/or similar consumer disclosure laws.  You agree to the receipt of these consumer disclosures in electronic format described herein.  Nothing in this agreement affects the content or timing of any disclosure or other record required to be provided or made available to any consumer under any statute, regulation or other rule of law.

Scope of Communications

When you elect to receive communications, you agree to receive your statement and disclosure information in electronic format, delivered via Internet Banking offered by First Shore Federal.  Combined account statements will be displayed under the Primary account number just like your regular paper statement.  Your consent to receive electronic communications includes, but is not limited to:

  • All legal and regulatory disclosures/notices associated with your account
  • Periodic disclosures associated with your account
  • Periodic Checking, Savings and Money Market statements

Method of Providing Communications

You will no longer receive paper statements mailed to your home.  If you wish to receive a paper copy of a statement, you can print the statement provided to you via the electronic delivery.  You may also contact First Shore Federal to have a copy of your statement printed and mailed to you.  You may be charged a fee to have First Shore Federal provide the printed statement copy.

You will be notified by email each time a new statement and/or disclosure becomes available for viewing.  It is your responsibility to access these communications.

Your statements will be available for up to 18 months beginning after enrollment.  All disclosures will be available either on our website or within your statement.  These will be available to you as long as you have Internet Banking access.

Hardware/Software Requirements

You can gain access to your communications by using any type of computer connected to the Internet.  The preferred browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Safari and it is recommended to maintain the latest version on your device.  There are several types of viewers available for your statement including a text version and a PDF format viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.  You will need a printer if you want to create a paper copy of your statements.  By requesting to receive your statements electronically, you are telling First Shore Federal that you have printing capabilities.  You agree that it is your responsibility to examine each statement and report any irregularities or disputes to First Shore Federal as stated in the Agreement and Disclosures.

How to Update your Email Address

It is your responsibility to maintain your current email address.  You may change your email address within Internet Banking by choosing "My Settings" and clicking "Update Email Options" or you may call us at (410)546-1101 for assistance.  If we are unable to contact you via email to inform you of statement availability, you assume the responsibility to access your statement information via Internet Banking in a reasonable time frame based on your historical delivery date.

How to Discontinue eStatements

If you wish to discontinue the electronic delivery and return to standard, printed statement delivery, please send a message including which accounts will be affected by means of the "Secure Email Form" under "Secure Forms" in Internet Banking or if you need assistance please contact us at (410)546-1101.


First Shore Federal reserves the right to discontinue electronic communications, or change the way in which we provide electronic communications.  We will provide you with prompt notice of change as required by law.

First Shore Federal | 106 S. Division St., Salisbury MD 21801 | 410-546-1101
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